Hej Frostheim students! The three of us who attended last week's Frostheim meeting had an enjoyable, and and very productive time, but it might have been even more fun had you been able to join us. We haven't set a theme for this week yet, is there a topic we could address, or an activity we could do that would temp you to come to the meeting on Wednesday evening this week? (room E1024 from 18:00) Cheers, --Kareina ****************************************** Dr. Riia M. Chmielowski Senior Research Engineer/Laboratory Manager Laser-Ablation ICP-MS Laboratory, LTU SE-971 87 LuleƄ, Sweden www.ltu.se/LaserICPMS Hours: Mon-Thurs 07:30-12:30 or by appointment Email: riia.chmielowski@ltu.se Phone: +46 (0)920 492033 Mobile: +46 72 539 07 76 Fax: +46-920-491199 LTU Room: F833 http://ltu-se.academia.edu/RiiaChmielowski *****************************************