Greetings to the Frostheim LTU members, I have finally added the addresses people have been giving me to the email list, so this is a quick note to say Welcome to them. Those of you haven't already done so can also join the Frostheim FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Frostheim/ or check out our shire web page (where one can purchase membership if you like) at http://frostheim.se/ or the Principality of Nordmark (all of Sweden): http://www.nordmark.org/ or the Kingdom of Drachenwald (Europe + south Africa and a bit more) http://www.drachenwald.sca.org/ or the SCA inc. international pages: http://sca.org/ Our next local SCA event is the Medieval Days at Hägnan 20-23 July. I would encourage you all to attend (membership in Frostheim or one of the local LARP organizations is required, as is "an attempt at pre-1600 costume" to wear at the event. You can register for that event here: http://www.medeltidsdagar.se/ Posts to this email list reach all of the Frostheim members at LTU, so it is a handy place to keep in touch. We have been meeting on campus, but now that it is good weather again the meetings have been moved to the home of Kjartan and I, at Rutviksrevlen 59, about 4 km from uni, on the other side of the nature reserve. We meet on Wednesday evenings on the even weeks of the year, and on Thursdays on the odd weeks of the year. Cheers, --Kareina ****************************************** Dr. Riia M. Chmielowski Senior Research Engineer/Laboratory Manager Laser-Ablation ICP-MS Laboratory, LTU SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden www.ltu.se/LaserICPMS Hours: Mon-Thurs 07:30-12:30 or by appointment Email: riia.chmielowski@ltu.se Phone: +46 (0)920 492033 Mobile: +46 72 539 07 76 Fax: +46-920-491199 LTU Room: F833 http://ltu-se.academia.edu/RiiaChmielowski *****************************************