Greetings to the Frostheim LTU students, Are any of you interested in giving armoured combat a try? There were many that sounded interested last autumn during our first couple of meetings, is the interest still there? There is a fighter training scheduled for Sunday and new people are totally welcome. One doesn't need armour to come learn the basics. This weekend they have decided on a starting time of 13:00 (it has been moving times, but not yet days, from week to week lately, depending on other time commitments of the fighters). The location is in Bergnäset, Fabriksvägen 12, at the JIABs lokal, inside the red fence: https://goo.gl/9phBMK If you want to hear the discussions on future training times, join the FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/602746326556285/ I am not yet certain if I am going to make it this week, but if anyone wants to go and would like a ride, let me know, you may be able to talk me into it... Cheers, --Kareina ******************************************************* Mobile Phone: +46 72-539 07 76 http://kareina.livejournal.com/ http://www.facebook.com/Riia.Chmielowski http://ltu-se.academia.edu/RiiaChmielowski *******************************************************