Hi all! E1026 is reserved for Frostheim every thursday 18-22 until december 17. That means that we can use it every thursday evening, or not at all, as we please. /Gunnar -- *Gunnar Östlund <http://www.ltu.se/staff/k/kalix> IT-Service <http://www.ltu.se/ltu/Organisation/Verksamhetsstod/IT-service> Luleå tekniska universitet <http://www.ltu.se> *

?Thanks! ****************************************** Riia M. Chmielowski Senior Research Engineer/Laboratory Manager Laser-Ablation ICP-MS Laboratory, LTU SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden www.ltu.se/LaserICPMS<http://www.ltu.se/LaserICPMS> Hours: Mon-Thurs 07:30-12:30 or by appointment Email: riia.chmielowski@ltu.se Phone: +46 (0)920 492033 Mobile: +46 72-539 07 76 Fax: +46-920-491199 LTU Room: F833 http://ltu-se.academia.edu/RiiaChmielowski<http://ltu-se.academia.edu/ReiaChmielowski> ***************************************** ________________________________ From: Frostheim <frostheim-bounces+riia.chmielowski=ltu.se@lists.ludd.ltu.se> on behalf of Gunnar Östlund <Gunnar.Ostlund@ltu.se> Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 11:06 To: SCA-Frostheim LTU club Subject: [Frostheim] Room reservations Hi all! E1026 is reserved for Frostheim every thursday 18-22 until december 17. That means that we can use it every thursday evening, or not at all, as we please. /Gunnar -- Gunnar Östlund<http://www.ltu.se/staff/k/kalix> IT-Service<http://www.ltu.se/ltu/Organisation/Verksamhetsstod/IT-service> Luleå tekniska universitet<http://www.ltu.se>
participants (2)
Gunnar Östlund
Riia Chmielowski