Hi all! As I said in the "invite" to the list: This is a new, improved, attempt at creating an email list for the Hägnan styrgrup to communicate with one another. Sending messages to this list reaches all of us, and, I hope, it will be much easier to find information sent here than it has been to find stuff sent to the styrgrupp list. Please use this list when you want to: *report what you have done for Hägnan *list things you think others need to do for Hägnan *ask questions that are necessary to be answered before you can do something for Hägnan *anything else we should or shouldn't know about as relates to the event. Thanks! --Kareina ******************************************************* Mobile Phone: +46 72-539 07 76 http://kareina.livejournal.com/ http://www.facebook.com/Riia.Chmielowski http://ltu-se.academia.edu/RiiaChmielowski *******************************************************